
World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

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Document de Synthèse

Position Paper - Dam Safety and Earthquakes

Bulletin 162

Mécanique des Fluides Environnementaux


Bulletin 178

Exploitation des structures hydrauliques de barrages

Bulletin 180

Surveillance des Barrages - Leçons tirées d'études de cas

Congrès 27ème

Marseille Juin 2022

Registre des barrages

La meilleure base de données mondiale sur les barrages, établie à partir des inventaires nationaux envoyés par les pays membres à la CIGB. Le Registre est mis à jour continuellement et comporte actuellement plus de 55 000 Barrages.




Conference on DAM SAFETY 2025 Resilient Infrastructure for A Sustainable Future

New Delhi

20 - 21 Mars, 2025


Voir le site web dédié


17e atelier international de référence de la CIGB sur l'analyse numérique des barrages

Sofia, Bulgarie

9 - 12 Avril 2025


Voir le site web dédié (en anglais)


28ème Congrès & 93ème Réunion Annuelle de la CIGB

Chengdu, Chine

15 Mai au 23 Mai 2025


Site web dédié


XXIe conférence internationale sur le contrôle technique des barrages

Cracovie, Pologne

09 - 12 Septembre 2025


Voir le site web (en anglais)

Oroville Dam, ICOLD President intervenes on the radio

15 Février 2017, Emmanuel Grenier
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Oroville Dam, ICOLD President intervenes on the radio


By Michael Rogers and Emmanuel Grenier



Aerial View of the Oroville Dam (photo by California Department of Water Resources)


There is now a rush to repair the spillways at the Oroville Dam in Northern California and lower the water level in Lake Oroville before rain arrives again. It is feared that damage to an emergency spillway could dump large amounts of water into the Feather River, which runs through downtown Oroville. This fear led to the evacuation of nearly 200 000 people living under the lake. The main dam (235m high) was never in danger and remains safe. The Oroville Dam issue started with an unexplained structural failure of a lower part of the 3000-foot-long gated service spillway.


The owner, The State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR), reduced flows down the service spillway that allowed the reservoir to surcharge to the 100% full level.  This allowed excess flows over the ungated emergency spillway, which had never been used since the dam was put into service more than 50 years ago, in 1968.


On February 11, water flowing over the emergency spillway discharged down an unlined hillside area, which unexpectedly started to erode very deeply, head-cutting its way back up towards the concrete spillway weir.   


Once this unexpected situation was identified, DWR re-opened the service spillway gates fully and accepted continued loss of the lower concrete portion of the service spillway in order to quickly lower the reservoir level below the crest of the emergency spillway.  The DWR also initiated its emergency action plan when the unexpected scour was observed at the emergency spillway just in case that section failed.  Almost 200,000 persons have been reported to have evacuated the downstream areas.


It should be noted that the main 235 meter high dam was never in danger and remains safe.


At this time, the DWR is continuing to lower the reservoir as much as possible through the service spillway in order to make room for rain storms expected later this week.


Bill Croyle, the acting director of the state Department of Water Resources, described the situation at Oroville as “unprecedented”.


"I'm not sure anything went wrong," he said in a news conference on February 12.  "This was a new, never-happened-before event."


ICOLD President Anton Schleiss gave an interview on February 14th to the Swiss Radio RTS on the situation of dams of Oroville and Mossul. You can listen to it here


Oroville Dam has been designed and is owned by the California Departement of Water Resources. It is 235m high and 21,089m long. It's a rock fill Earth Dam, with a reservoir Capacity of 4 366 526 000 cubic meter. Oroville Dam has a gated spillway and has rock foundations. All these data are available in ICOLD World Register.



Others sources with Photos

at a good explanation of the problem and current situation at Oroville Dam.




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