
World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

Achat d'un accès de 3ans pour le Registre Mondial des Barrages (RMB).


Le RMB est la meilleure base de données répertoriant des barrages dans le monde et nous travaillons constamment à son amélioration

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Document de Synthèse

Document de Synthèse

Position Paper - Dam Safety and Earthquakes

Bulletin 162

Mécanique des Fluides Environnementaux


Bulletin 178

Exploitation des structures hydrauliques de barrages

Bulletin 180

Surveillance des Barrages - Leçons tirées d'études de cas

Congrès 27ème

Marseille Juin 2022

Registre des barrages

La meilleure base de données mondiale sur les barrages, établie à partir des inventaires nationaux envoyés par les pays membres à la CIGB. Le Registre est mis à jour continuellement et comporte actuellement plus de 55 000 Barrages.




Conference on DAM SAFETY 2025 Resilient Infrastructure for A Sustainable Future

New Delhi

20 - 21 Mars, 2025


Voir le site web dédié


17e atelier international de référence de la CIGB sur l'analyse numérique des barrages

Sofia, Bulgarie

9 - 12 Avril 2025


Voir le site web dédié (en anglais)


28ème Congrès & 93ème Réunion Annuelle de la CIGB

Chengdu, Chine

15 Mai au 23 Mai 2025


Site web dédié


XXIe conférence internationale sur le contrôle technique des barrages

Cracovie, Pologne

09 - 12 Septembre 2025


Voir le site web (en anglais)

CDA Annual Conference, 4-5 October 2014, Banff (Alberta-Canada)

25 Mars 2014
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Tailings Dam Breach – Beyond the State of the Practice Workshop


Saturday, October 4, 2014, 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday, October 5, 2014, 9 am

Workshop Organizer:

Mohammad Al-Mamun

Dam breach analysis is an important aspect in the design and evaluation of dams as it allows the consequences of dam failure to be incorporated into risk assessment, the selection of recurrence intervals for extreme design events and emergency preparedness planning. While such analysis is routinely conducted for water retaining dams, its application to dams that contain viscous solids, such as tailings, with or without a pond, has been limited because of uncertainties regarding interactions between the tailings (non-Newtonian flow), any free water that may be present (multiphase flow), and the flow path (effects of momentum and topography).  Tools developed for water retention dams are often used to approximate the flow from tailings dam breaches. However, there is considerable divergence in the approaches used and no general consensus as to how these flows should be modeled.

This workshop will be jointly held with the International Congress on Large Dams (ICOLD) and will be the first of a series of workshops devoted to this topic.

The proposed tailings dam breach workshop is intended to provide a forum for practitioners to discuss their experiences with tailings dam breach analysis with the following objectives:


  •     Understanding tailings dam failure modes and the potential impacts.
  •     Present case studies of actual tailings dam breach flows.
  •     Review key literature and our current understanding of tailings dam breach flows.
  •     Recognize limitations of existing water-flow based analytical tools.
  •     Key characteristics of the tailings that contribute to liquefaction and flow.
  •     Evaluation of the effects consolidation and ageing may have on limiting tailings flow.
  •     Review of the fundamental mechanisms of tailings flow as opposed to water flow.
  •     ” failure modes that should be considered in the dam breach analysis.
  •     Share experience on tailings dam breach analysis through case studies.
  •     Appraise currently available tailings/debris flow models and critical parameters for their adaptation to tailings dam failure.
  •     Understand the pros and cons of various methods.


The workshop will be led by several experts in the field.  However, all participants will be encouraged to share their experience on the topic.

As noted above, this workshop will be the first of a series and a key objective of this workshop will be to identify the issues that need to be addressed in the subsequent workshops.

For information: or  


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