
World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

Achat d'un accès de 3ans pour le Registre Mondial des Barrages (RMB).


Le RMB est la meilleure base de données répertoriant des barrages dans le monde et nous travaillons constamment à son amélioration

Ajouter au panier
Document de Synthèse

Document de Synthèse

Position Paper - Dam Safety and Earthquakes

Bulletin 162

Mécanique des Fluides Environnementaux


Bulletin 178

Exploitation des structures hydrauliques de barrages

Bulletin 180

Surveillance des Barrages - Leçons tirées d'études de cas

Congrès 27ème

Marseille Juin 2022



Conference on DAM SAFETY 2025 Resilient Infrastructure for A Sustainable Future

New Delhi

20 - 21 Mars, 2025


Voir le site web dédié

ETIP Hydropower Europe

BRUSSELS HYDROPOWER DAY 2025 - Contribution de la flexibilité et du stockage de l'hydroélectricité à la transition énergétique sûre en partenariat avec l'environnement dans le cadre du changement climatique

Le Bouche à Oreille; Rue Félix Hap, 11, 1040 Etterbeek et en ligne

8 Avril 2025 - 9:15 – 16:15 CEST


Voir le site web (en anglais)


17e atelier international de référence de la CIGB sur l'analyse numérique des barrages

Sofia, Bulgarie

9 - 12 Avril 2025


Voir le site web dédié (en anglais)

ICOLD Webinar

Barrages et développement durable - Webinar#2 - Analyse de durabilité du cycle de vie

Webinaire en ligne

6 Mai, 2025 13h - 15h (CEST)


Enregistrement en ligne (en anglais)


28ème Congrès & 93ème Réunion Annuelle de la CIGB

Chengdu, Chine

15 Mai au 23 Mai 2025


Site web dédié

Africa 2025

Cinquième Conférence Internationale :

Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa

Labadi Beach Resort, Accra, Ghana

8 to 10 Juillet 2025


Voir le site web dédié (en anglais)


XXIe conférence internationale sur le contrôle technique des barrages

Cracovie, Pologne

09 - 12 Septembre 2025


Voir le site web (en anglais)

Les Pays Membres



Nom du Comité :

Iranian National Committee on Large Dams (IRCOLD)

Président :


Secrétaire Général :

Mohsen Mousavi Khonsari

Adresse du Comité :

No.1, Shahrsaz Alley, Kargozar St., Zafar St. Tehran, Iran- Zip Code: 1919834453


(+98) 21 2222 5756

Fax :

(+98) 21 2222 5756

Quelques mots sur le pays et le Comité :

IRCOLD is affiliated to the Ministry of Energy of Iran, and is constituted of the supreme council, the executive board and 21 technical committees. The Minister of Energy of Iran is the chairman of the supreme council and the Deputy Minister for Energy Affairs is the deputy chair of the council. The executive board consists of seven members including chairman, secretary-general and 21 technical committees. As stated in the constitution, the members of the executive board consist of representatives of contractors, universities and governmental and non-governmental consultants. Each technical committee comprises of a chairman and a secretary in which the secretary coordinates monthly gatherings/meetings on subjects of engineering concern.


IRCOLD has more than 3300 members including academics, managers, and senior experts in different fields related to the water sector. This committee is one of the most significant technical and scientific bodies in Iran which has brought about great reputation for it among national academic societies. Further to holding various technical workshops, IRCOLD has made an effort to hold the Fourth National Conference on Large Dams Construction in Iran. The Iranian National Committee has become an active member (country) of The International Commission on large Dams (ICOLD) in recent years while attending many world sessions and has obtained 25 chairs in different technical committees of ICOLD. During the 66th annual meeting of ICOLD held in New Delhi in 1998, IRCOLD was elected as the Vice President of ICOLD for a period of three years (1998-2001). This committee held the 73rd executive meeting in May 2005 in Tehran which brought new experiences in fields related to dam construction to the country. In the last decades, Iran has made remarkable efforts in different fields of dam construction while respecting professional ethics with least harm to the environment to achieve sustainable development and common wealth of the nation and the world as a whole. This demonstrates that it has become a prominent member of the industrial world.