Conference on DAM SAFETY 2025 Resilient Infrastructure for A Sustainable Future New Delhi 20 - 21 Mars, 2025

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7th International Conference


Resilient Infrastructure

for A Sustainable Future

20th - 21st March 2025, New Delhi





Dams play a critical role in sustainable water management and energy transition worldwide. The reservoirs they create form the backbone of economic growth and the well-being of communities, making their long-term operational integrity indispensable.

To ensure these vital assets continue to serve future generations, dam safety has emerged as a specialized discipline.


With advancements in technology and the evolving challenges posed by aging dams, seismic risks, and changing flood patterns, it is imperative to continually update the expertise of dam safety professionals, owners, contractors, consultants, and regulators. Many older dams require modern research and rehabilitation to adapt to current safety standards, while even relatively newer structures may face risks due to changing environmental factors.


Recognizing the need for collaborative solutions, INCOLD is committed to provide a platform for professionals to address the unique challenges of dam safety. This forum will facilitate discussions on cutting-edge technologies, economic considerations, and disaster mitigation strategies.


By bringing together stakeholders-including regulators, researchers, and service providers-we aim to create a shared knowledge base that advances the safety and resilience of dams globally.


On behalf of INCOLD, I am delighted to invite you to the International Conference on Dam Safety 2025, themed “Resilient Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future,” to be held on 20-21 March 2025 at CBIP, New Delhi. This conference will serve as an invaluable opportunity for knowledge exchange and collaboration among leading experts.


We look forward to your participation in this important event.

R.K. Vishnoi

President, INCOLD &

Chairman & Managing Director, THDC



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ETIP Hydropower Europe


BRUSSELS HYDROPOWER DAY 2025 - Contribution of hydropower flexibility and storage in the safe energy transition in partnership with the environment under climate change.



Date: 8 April 2025

Time: 9:15 AM – 4:15 PM CEST

Location: Le Bouche à Oreille; Rue Félix Hap, 11, 1040 Etterbeek and online




We are happy to announce that registration for the 3rd edition of the Brussels Hydropower Day 2025 is now open! 

This key event aims to bring together stakeholders from the hydropower sector and policymakers from the European Commission and Parliament. It will serve as a vital platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges shaping hydropower deployment within the broader energy transition.

Join us to explore the impact of the energy crisis, climate change, market dynamics, and regulatory frameworks on the future of hydropower. Your insights and expertise will help drive meaningful discussions on navigating uncertainties and maximising hydropower’s role in Europe’s sustainable energy future.


Why attend?

  • Gain insights into the role of hydropower and energy storage in the energy transition and the impact of the 2025-2029 EU legislative cycle on the sector.
  • Explore best practices in hydropower deployment, focusing on flexibility, social and environmental considerations, and climate resilience.
  • Engage in discussions on collaboration with other ETIPs and sectors within the SET Plan to enhance energy system integration and ensure a flexible, secure energy supply.
  • Stay informed about ETIP HYDROPOWER’s next steps in unifying the voices of hydropower in Europe and the key outcomes of its Working Groups.


Download the Agenda


Dedicated website


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17th ICOLD International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams 9th - 12th April 2025 Sofia, Bulgaria

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17th ICOLD International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams

Sofia, Bulgaria

9th - 12th April 2025





Numerical modelling has become indispensable for the design, operation and safety assessment of dams. The high technology of numerical modeling, however, consists not only in the explosive increase of the computer hardware and software capabilities in the last decades. It is in the whole highly sophisticated process from the computational model development to its real nature implementation. The Benchmark Workshops organized by the ICOLD Committee “Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams” since 1991 provide a unique opportunity for engineers and researchers to present and exchange their knowledge and experience in this cutting-edge technology related to the design and performance of dams.



The 17th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams will be held in the city of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.


General Organizer

ICOLD Technical Committee A on “Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams”

Chairman MAZZA’, Guido Italy

Vice-Chairman ZENZ, Gerald Austria


Benchmark topics

Theme A: Three-dimensional seismic analysis of Tsankov Kamak dam (double curvature concrete arch dam

Theme B: First impoundment of Plovdivtsi embankment dam
Theme C: Calibration and prediction of the rockfill behavior of a 210m CFRD
Theme D: There is no particular task formulation. The Contributors are free to present their own examples of numerical dam analysis.

Start of registration for participation: 18. November 2024

End of submission of results: 31. January 2025


Updated information soon on the homepage:


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Dams and Sustainability WEBINAR #2 - Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) - May 6, 2025 1pm - 3pm (CEST)

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Sustainability Webinar Logo

Dams & Sustainability - Webinar#2 - Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment



This second Webinar is intended to introduce the general principles of a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) methodology. The LCSA comprises not only environmental LCA, but also social and economic life cycle cost assessment. ICOLD has invited a distinguished group of experts to present the key components of the LCSA and examples of how it is applied in other sectors, with the aim of adapting it to dams and reservoirs.



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Africa 2025 - Labadi Beach Resort, Accra, Ghana - 8 to 10 July 2025

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The objective of the regional conferences for AFRICA, co-hosted by Aqua~Media International and ICOLD, in collaboration with the government of Ghana, is to bring together a group of experts from all parts of the world to focus on issues of specific interest for Africa, in the field of water storage and hydropower development.


Cross-border collaboration for transboundary schemes, challenging sites and climate resilience, as well as capacity building and training, are topics that always feature high on the agenda.


The technical programme will have strong input from ICOLD Officers and National Committees,  AUDA-NEPADIEA-Hydro, the major international financing institutions, the Volta River Authority and Bui Power Authority.


International delegates and accompanying persons will meet in beautiful surroundings, for three days of sessions, preceded by workshops and training seminars, and followed by tours to hydro schemes. There will be plenty of additional networking opportunities, and cultural excursions.




Website of the event


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XXI technical dam control international conference, CRACOW, Poland, 9 - 12 September 2025

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Dear Colleague,


We warmly would like to thank all participants very much for participation
in the 20th jubilee edition of the Technical Dam Control International Conference TKZ’2023.


We invite all interested people to participate in the 21th edition of the conference TKZ’2025, near Cracow in Poland!


conference topics


Flood 2024
Dam safety
Geotechnics in water engineering
Exploitation, monitoring, maintenance, and renovation of hydraulic structures
Technologies and designing of water engineering facilities construction
Wet waste disposal

Renewable energies
Climate changes and sustainable development
Impact of hydraulic structures on the environment
Water retention and hydraulic engineering in urban areas




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