
World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages
Buy an access to the online World Register of Dams for 3years.
The WRD is the best available data basis on dams in the world and we are constantly striving to better it.
Register of Dams
The world's best databasis on dams, established upon the national inventories sent by the member countries of ICOLD. The Register is continuously updated. It includes more than 55,000 Dams.

The Technical Dictionary on Dams provides translation of more than 3000 technical terms in the field of Dams (with Sketches, for certain terms), in the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Slovene.
Find the Dictionary by clicking here
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For more information, or if something goes wrong, please send an email to Daniel Couvidat
Please, note that «your account» is personal.
During the registration process, please give a valid email and postal address.
For more information, or if something goes wrong, please send an email to Daniel Couvidat