Better dams for a better world

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With climate change, flood protection provided by dams will be ever more important.


Prague (July 5 2017)


Climate change is impacting the variability of water resources with more severe and frequent droughts and/or more flood. To lessen the consequences of those events, Dams and Reservoirs are the most efficient solution. That is adaptation. For example, Dams are an essential tool for protecting the populations against the disastrous floods, like those affecting the Czech Republic in 2002 and 2013 with terrible consequences.


Climate change also makes urgent the need to develop clean (carbon-free) energies to meet growing needs for power. Fortunately, solar and wind energies are becoming competitive and will be largely developed, provided there is enough energy storage to compensate for their intermittence. The only solution available today for massive storage at a reasonable price is to use reservoirs associated with pumped power stations. Hydropower is also a clean energy in itself. That is mitigation.


The services provided by dams (irrigation, hydropower production, water storage, flood protection, leisure…) are equally important for developed and developing countries. In Prague General Assembly, ICOLD will welcome three new countries in its family: Angola, Afghanistan and Bhutan. Thus reaching the mark of 100 country members.


ICOLD is working hard to disseminate knowledge through the work of its technical committees, the Science Congresses and Symposiums it organizes. Exemplary of this is the Symposium organized by the Czech National Committee on Large Dams today, on “knowledge-base dam engineering”.



You will find photos of the 85 Annual Meeting on Social Medias:




Advancing Gender Diversity and Inclusion in ICOLD

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[Article issued from our Newsletter 23]


Advancing Gender Diversity and Inclusion in ICOLD


MariaBartsch MatejaKlunPicture

By Maria Bartsch, Sweden, Committee chair,  and
Mateja Klun, Slovenia, YPF representative in Committee 


On the proposal of the ICOLD President, a new ad hoc committee on Gender Diversity and Inclusion was approved at the Annual Meeting 2023 in Gothenburg (Sweden). The Committee´s overall purpose is to explore how ICOLD can be inclusive to all genders, to raise the awareness on this issue and to educate on gender aspects within ICOLD, as well as to support and promote increasing participation of female professionals in the dam sector. 


The Committee has a two-year term, 2023-2025, and consists of 12 members, 10 women and 2 men, representing the four geographical regions of ICOLD: Africa, Europe, Americas and Australasia.


Identifying existing studies and potential partner organizations


After an informal kick-off at ICOLD 2023, the Committee has focused on assessing the current situation regarding gender issues and representation of female professionals in ICOLD and its National Committees. In addition, existing studies have been identified and contacts have been made with potential partner organizations, such as Women in Sustainable Hydropower (WISH), bringing together existing networks. The study by the World Bank, through its Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, titled Power with Full Force: Getting to Gender Equality in the Hydropower Sector has provided a valuable input for the committee’s work. The key findings in the report highlight the need to provide education and Science Technology Engineering Mathematics opportunities for women, to implement workplace policy reforms, to raise awareness of career opportunities, to launch support systems like mentoring, networking opportunities and visualization of role models, and finally to include and encourage more men to be proactive to reduce the gaps.  


Assessment on current situation 


Historically ICOLD has given little consideration to gender diversity and inclusion and very few women have held leadings positions such as Vice President, Technical Committee chairs or General Reporters at Congress sessions. However, there is a growing awareness, as evidenced by recent initiatives such as the establishment of the Young Professionals Forum, the promotion of age diversity but also gender diversity, mentorship lunches at the Annual Meetings, the change to gender neutral language in institutional files, as well as the establishment of this Committee and the organisation of a special session on women mentorship at ICOLD 2023.


Survey on Gender Representation and Initiatives



Presenters on the Gender Diversity Commitee workshop in New Delhi (Sept. 2024)
From February to May 2024, the Committee conducted a survey among National Committees to establish a baseline for gender diversity. The survey explored the representation of women in leadership roles versus in general membership, women’s participation on events as speakers versus delegates, as authors in publications etc. It also searched activities supporting increased female participation, such as mentorship programs, Committees on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, special conference events, and action plans.

Responses were received from 37 National Committees, of which 29 Committees provided data on women’s representation in their organisation and activities. When available, data was provided for both current conditions (2023/2024) and conditions 5 years ago (2018/2019). 


The results display great differences between the responding National Committees. In general, a slight increase in the representation of women during the last five years can be seen. However, there are still some countries where there are no (or close to none) women either as members or in leading positions. Half of the responding National Committees report that they have: 

  • 20 percent women or less in leading positions; 
  • 11 percent women or less as members; 
  • 30 percent women or less as Young Professional members.


From the replies, we could extract that the percentage of female delegates in ICOLD Technical Committees has increased slightly from 13 to 17 percent in the last 5 years. On national events the last few years, on average, 21 percent of the delegates and 18 percent of the speakers have been women. A good practice example is ICOLD Annual Meeting in 2023 where organizers monitored the participation of women: 31 percent of opening session speakers; 42 percent of symposium session officers; 19 percent of symposium speakers; 17 percent of delegates over 35 years and 37 percent of delegates up to 35 years.


About 15 National Committees provided input on ongoing activities to support and promote increasing participation of female professionals in the dam sector. To connect with and know more about these gender related initiatives these National Committees were invited to present their work on the Committee workshop at ICOLD 2024.


ICOLD2024 Workshop: Charging Forward with Gender Diversity & Inclusion


During ICOLD2024 in New Delhi, the committee hosted a two-hour workshop titled Charging Forward with Gender Diversity & Inclusion. The event drew approximately 60 participants, representing all ICOLD regions, with about one-third of attendees being men.


The workshop featured:

  • A keynote presentation by Thomas Bryant, Senior Dam Specialist at the World Bank, offering a global perspective on women in hydropower.
  • A report on the committee’s work and survey findings.
  • Presentations by 14 invited National Committees, sharing their current situation and initiatives related to GD&I.
  • A moderated discussion and brainstorming session on future activities for ICOLD and the dam sector to get to gender equality.


The workshop’s primary objectives were to connect with National Committees, share ongoing work and experiences, and gather ideas for future initiatives. It was enthusiastically received, with active participation and valuable input from attendees.

Looking Ahead


The Committee’s findings so far and the workshop presentations have been made available online, fostering continued dialogue and collaboration. This initiative represents a significant step forward in advancing gender diversity and inclusion across ICOLD and the wider sector. Now the Committee’s focus is shifting towards drafting an action plan, proposing next steps for ICOLD. Preliminary, a main recommendation is to establish a permanent Committee or Forum on Gender Diversity and Inclusion. 


Links to recommended readings


ICOLD2024 Committee workshop: 2024-09-29 Workshop_on_Gender_Diversity_and_Inclusion_ ICOLD2024.pdf

WB study: Power with Full Force | Getting to Gender Equality in the Hydropower Sector | ESMAP

WISH webpage: Women In Sustainable Hydropower


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Better dams for a Better World

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With climate change, flood protection provided by dams will be ever more important.


Prague (July 5 2017)


Climate change is impacting the variability of water resources with more severe and frequent droughts and/or more flood. To lessen the consequences of those events, Dams and Reservoirs are the most efficient solution. That is adaptation. For example, Dams are an essential tool for protecting the populations against the disastrous floods, like those affecting the Czech Republic in 2002 and 2013 with terrible consequences.


Climate change also makes urgent the need to develop clean (carbon-free) energies to meet growing needs for power. Fortunately, solar and wind energies are becoming competitive and will be largely developed, provided there is enough energy storage to compensate for their intermittence. The only solution available today for massive storage at a reasonable price is to use reservoirs associated with pumped power stations. Hydropower is also a clean energy in itself. That is mitigation.


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Brumadinho Tailings Dam Failure in Brazil

 Press Release


Dam Failure in Brazil


The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is following the situation very closely as information becomes available about the collapse of the mine tailings dam in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.



ICOLD President Michael F. Rogers made the following statement:


“Our deepest condolences go out to the people of Brazil impacted by this tragedy, especially those families who have lost loved ones and personal property in this disaster.


It will be important to understand the full cause of this failure so that important lessons may be shared with other nations and owners to prevent future dam failures.


Dams, including those structures design specifically to hold mine tailings are critical investments in our social economies for infrastructure and economic businesses. Like other large investments in infrastructure or business, dams provide essential services and also pose high risks that must be addressed during the planning, design, construction, operation and closure phases.   The precautionary principle of dams – both those that retain water as well as those that retain mine tailings – is to provide a safe environment to those who live downstream.  This is at the heart of the ICOLD Mission.


ICOLD has more than 90 years of experience in working with worldwide experts to develop state of practice guidelines and case histories for lessons learned on the design, construction, operation and closure of dams.  As an example, ICOLD has a draft Bulletin #181 on a technology update on Tailings Dam Design, which will be released later this year. After approval by the General Assembly during the 87th Annual Meeting in Ottawa.


National governments are urged to consider active participation in ICOLD to stay abreast of the most current technology of dam engineering, including the use of up-to-date ICOLD best-practice documents to support dam safety legislation.


As an organization of 100 nations committed to the safety of dams around the world, ICOLD stands ready to assist and support the project owner and the national dam safety organization in Brazil to assess the situation and work towards recovery.   ICOLD stands ready to collaborate with other Brazilian and international organizations such as the International Council on Mining and Metals to review the safety criteria for tailings dams to see if the current failure identifies necessary changes or updates to our practices, including the need to address the specific upstream construction method employed at the Brumadinho Tailings Dam.


I believe that safety is a moral obligation of each engineer and scientist that participates in the planning, design, construction, operation and closure of all dams.  This is an obligation by the absolute trust given by those downstream residents who are at risk imposed by the impoundment of water or mine tailings.


Again, our heartfelt condolences go out to the thousands of persons downstream of this dam that have been impacted by this tragedy and ICOLD stands ready to support Brazil in any way possible.”




Emmanuel Grenier, media manager

Tel: +33 147 04 17 80



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Dams must remain instruments of peace and development

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Experts gather to define research and innovation priorities for the future of Europe's Hydropower industry


On 25th March 2020, HYDROPOWER EUROPE invited experts from the hydropower industry to participate in the Second Expert Panel Consultation to define a common Research and innovation Agenda and Strategic Industry Roadmap.


Press release

30th March 2020



More than 30 experts joined an online workshop from roundtable home offices providing a valuable input on the evaluation of the first drafts of the Research and Innovation Agenda (RIA) and Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR). Prior to the online workshop, the experts had access to the draft documents and were invited to provide with their written comments.


On the one hand, the goal of the RIA is to provide recommendations on the R&I priorities for hydro to the EU institutions and national authorities, in order to contribute shaping public spending for R&I. The document will also provide a useful reference to the entire hydropower community.


On the other hand, the goal of the SIR is to understand why communities, i.e. stakeholder, accept/reject hydropower projects, to promote the best and innovative practices in hydropower development and formulate recommendations (both to public authorities and private stakeholders) on how hydropower can contribute to the successful energy system transition, preserve the environment and increase societal resilience. SIR recognizes the overarching societal needs and trends, reflected or based on strategic European energy policy & ambition.


Altogether 11 topics were commented on:

Session 1: Barriers to large scale deployment of all sizes of hydropower

Session 2: Hydropower for a better society

Session 3: Continual improvement of the protection of environment

Session 4: Funding Hydropower Research and deployment

Session 5: Increasing Flexibility

Session 6: Optimisation of operations and maintenance

Session 7: Resilience of electromechanical equipment, construction and material technology

Session 8: Resilience of Infrastructures

Session 9: Developing new emerging concepts

Session 10: Environmental-friendly solutions

Session 11: Mitigating impact of global warming


Due to a current outbreak of COVID 19, the initial plan to organize a 2-day face to face workshop in Brussels was cancelled. Thus, HYDROPOWER EUROPE management decided to arrange an online session with roundtable home offices inviting the experts to contribute to the discussion.


The aim of Horizon2020 project, HYDROPOWER EUROPE, is to provide a focal point for reviewing and developing hydropower in Europe, and subsequently European hydropower in the wider world.


The HYDROPOWER EUROPE consortium comprises 8 partners: ICOLD: International Commission on Large Dams (coordinator); EASE: European Association for Storage of Energy; EREF: European Renewable Energies Federation; EUREC: Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres;  IHA: International Hydropower Association; SAMUI: Samui France sarl; VGB: VGB PowerTech e.V.; Zabala Innovation Consulting (Zabala Brussels).


For more information, please contact

Diana Prsancova


E  •

T  • +32 2 513 81 22



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Four questions selected for next ICOLD Congress in Vienna

The Congress will take place in Vienna 1-8 July 2018

(Paris, June 14th)


ICOLD General Assembly, during the 84th Annual meeting in Johannesburg, has voted to choose the four questions on which scientists and engineers from all over the world will work and communicate in Vienna.

This will be the 26th Congress of ICOLD. Those Congresses take place every three years and attract the best dam specialists. The attendance for those Congresses is between 1200 and 2000 people.

The deadlines for submitting a paper or a communication is 8 November 2017.

According to ICOLD Constitution and By-Laws, papers can be only submitted through one of the ICOLD National Committees.


Find here (pdf file) the exact wording of the Questions, as adopted by the General Assembly and a general presentation of ICOLD.

Press Contact: Emmanuel Grenier, media manager


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HYDROPOWER EUROPE: The new forum giving voice to Europe's hydropower community



Press Release


A new three-year long EU funded project has recently started, it aims to gather input from the European hydropower community in order to agree upon common Research and Innovation priorities for the sector in Europe.



According to the International Hydropower Association (IHA), Hydropower remains the single largest source of renewable electricity across Europe, generating an estimated 600 TWh of clean electricity in 2017, about 12% of Europe’s electricity generation. Hydropower is one of the resources with the highest potential to help achieve Global Climate targets as well as to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals declared by UN. Hydropower already supports integration of wind and solar energy into the supply grid through flexibility in generation as well as its potential for storage capacity. With more than 30% of hydropower potential still untapped, this clean source of energy has all the characteristics to serve as an excellent catalyst for a successful energy transition. The project seeks to address the challenges ahead to fulfil this potential in Europe.


HYDROPOWER EUROPE is a multipartner initiative supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. The main objectives of the project are:


  • To provide a forum for the entire European hydropower community: industry, research, policy makers, end users and academia, active throughout its value-chain;
  • To define a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (R&IA) and a Technology Roadmap (TR) that aim to help guide funding authorities and particularly the European Commission to prioritise support where it is most needed so as to adapt the sector to the constantly evolving energy system


Consultation through a series of online and face to face meetings, including regional workshops, will be undertaken to develop the research and innovation agenda and technology roadmap.


During the first meeting of the project in December in Brussels, Anton Schleiss, honorary president of ICOLD said: “We are thrilled by the new opportunity this project offers the hydropower community in Europe, our responsibility towards our sector is very high. We have the task to bring a multitude of actors together and bring their voice to the european level so as to make our contribution to the energy transition, for which hydropower in Europe can be a catalyst.”


The action gathers a wide range of european and international partners, which will allow for the full involvement of the hydropower community in Europe and beyond:


The coordinator is ICOLD, the International Commission on Large Dams with his regional club Europe;


The other partners are:


  • EASE, the European Association for Storage of Energy
  • EREF, the European Renewable Energy Federation
  • EUREC, the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres
  • IHA, the International Hydropower Association
  • SAMUI, which brings expertise in water / environmental research, and communication and dissemination
  • VGB PowerTech, the international technical association for generation and storage of power and heat
  • ZABALA, expert in energy-related platforms as well as project dissemination and communication.


For more information contact:


ZABALA Innovation Consulting - Project Communication Responsible: José Trindade  + 32 483 71 85 36


ICOLD representative: Jean-Jacques Fry +33 6 70 70 16 37



HYDROPOWER EUROPE has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 826010


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Hydropower Europe's 2nd stakeholder online consultation now open!

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On 28th July 2020, HYDROPOWER EUROPE launched its second online consultation which aims to establish priorities for the proposed research and innovation actions listed within the two main documents: the Research & Innovation Agenda (RIA) and the Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR).


Press release

28th July 2020



The forum HYDROPOWER EUROPE (HPE) is built on the ambition to achieve a research and innovation agenda and a strategic industry roadmap for the hydropower sector, based on the synthesis of technical fora and transparent public debates through a forum that gathers all relevant stakeholders of the hydropower sector.


To do so, the HYDROPOWER EUROPE Consultation Platform supports the consultation process which started in early 2019. Feedback from a series of online consultation, regional and technical workshops is combined with expert analysis. This process supports the development of the HYDROPOWER EUROPE Research & Innovation Agenda (RIA) and Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR).


Few days ago, a second stakeholder online consultation has been launched.The main focus of the second online consultation is to gather the feedback from a wide range of hydropower stakeholder on the proposed research and innovation actions listed within the two main HPE documents. This consultation is one of the last opportunities for stakeholders to provide your feedback and recommendations about the main R&I priorities for future of hydropower in Europe and about how hydropower can contribute to a successful clean energy transition.


The consultation is made of an online 20-minute long survey. To participate to the consultation, please click on the link below and register to the HPE Consultation Platform.


The consultation process will close at the end of October 2020.


The aim of Horizon2020 project, HYDROPOWER EUROPE, is to provide a focal point for reviewing and developing hydropower in Europe, and subsequently European hydropower in the wider world.


The HYDROPOWER EUROPE consortium comprises 8 partners: ICOLD: International Commission on Large Dams (coordinator); EASE: European Association for Storage of Energy; EREF: European Renewable Energies Federation; EUREC: Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres;  IHA: International Hydropower Association; SAMUI: Samui France sarl; VGB: VGB PowerTech e.V.; Zabala Innovation Consulting (Zabala Brussels).



For more information, please contact


Capucine Vannoorenberghe

HYDROPOWER EUROPE consultation coordinator

E  •

T  • +32 2 743 29 92





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ICOLD issues a new Bulletin on safe passage of extreme floods, November 2012

Extreme floods are regularly making news headlines and again recently in Nigeria or India. As the main professional organization on dams, ICOLD is of course very concerned about the implications of floods for dams security. The last technical bulletin (#142) just published by ICOLD is precisely dealing with the safe passage of extreme floods.



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ICOLD issues World Declaration on Water Storage

During its 24th Congress in Kyoto, Japan, the International Commission on Large Dams issued a “World Declaration on Water Storage for Sustainable Development”, also signed by the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Hydropower Association and the International Water Resources Association.

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ICOLD Returns to China: A Must-Attend Event for Dam Engineers

28emeCongres & 93eme Réunion Annuelle


The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is preparing to hold its 28th Congress and 93rd Annual Meeting in Chengdu, China, from 16 to 23 May 2025.


China's pivotal role


China, often referred to as the ‘land of dams’, has a vast hydroelectric network that plays a vital role in achieving the country's energy and environmental goals. For any dam engineer, a visit to China offers an unrivalled insight into some of the world's most important hydropower projects.


Principal projects to visit

Participants will have the opportunity to take part in five pre-conference study tours and six post-conference study tours. These visits will showcase a variety of Chinese dams, including some of the most advanced and renowned structures:


  • Three Gorges Dam (2012): The largest hydroelectric project in the world with a capacity of 22,500 MW.
  • Baihetan dam (2021): The second largest hydroelectric power station, with a capacity of 16,000 MW.


During their stay in Chengdu, participants can also explore the city's rich cultural and natural attractions:

  • Giant pandas: Visit the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base to see these beloved animals up close.
  • Cuisine: indulge in the famous spicy cuisine of Sichuan, known for its bold flavours and unique dishes.
  • Cultural sites: Discover historic sites such as the Wuhou sanctuary and the lively Jinli street.
  • Natural landscapes: Admire the picturesque beauty of Qingcheng Mountain and the ancient Dujiangyan irrigation system.


For dam engineers, this event is not just a conference, but a complete experience combining professional development and cultural enrichment. Don't miss the opportunity to take part in this important gathering at the heart of China's hydropower industry.



Every three years, the Congress is a high point in the life of the ICOLD. The four issues to be debated were chosen at the General Assembly in Göteborg (2023). After the Congress, the publication of the academic debates is considered a reference among dam engineers. In Chengdu, the discussions will focus on : 

  • Dams and reservoirs for climate change adaptation 
  • Dams and levees fit for the future 

  • Safety of dams and levees facing extreme hydrological events
  • Earthquake performance and safety of dams 



Register to Chengdu!


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ICOLD Statement, 30 May 2012

Paris, May 30th 2012 -- Following recent statements by some organizations according to which International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) was currently conducting an inspection of the Irrawaddy Myitsone dam, in Myanmar, ICOLD wishes to clarify the following:


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ICOLD supports efforts to maintain safe dams in Ukraine

Click on the image to see the PDF file : (English and French version follows): 


Kakhovka Dam - Press Release


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Laos Dam failure

 Press Release


Dam Failure in Laos



The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is following the situation very closely as information is just coming out about the collapse of the saddle dam at the Xe Pian Xe Namnoy Hydroelectric Dam, in Laos.




ICOLD newly elected President Michael Rogers made the following statement:


“Our deepest condolences go out to the people of Laos impacted by this tragedy, especially those families who have lost loved ones and/or their homes.


Dams are critical pieces of not only physical, but also socio-economic infrastructure that supply renewable power, storage for agricultural, industrial, municipal and community water supply. Like other large infrastructure in our societies, dams provide critical service, but also pose high risks that must be addressed during the planning, design and construction phases.   The precautionary principle of dams to prevent and/or mitigate adverse downstream safety consequences informs and is at the heart of the ICOLD Mission.


ICOLD has been working for 90 years to promote the safe and sustainable design and construction of dams.  As an organization of 100 nations committed to the safety of all dams around the world, ICOLD stands ready to assist and support the project owner and the national dam safety organization in Laos to assess the situation and work towards recovery.  Moving forward, it will be important to understand the full cause of this apparent failure so that important lessons may be shared with other nations and dam owners. This is the heart of ICOLD mission and the main reason why it was founded.  For example, during its recent Congress in Vienna (July 1-7 2018), ICOLD organized an important open workshop on the lessons learned from the Oroville Spillway Incident (USA, 2017).


Again, our heartfelt condolences go out to the thousands of persons downstream of this dam that have been impacted by this tragedy and ICOLD stands ready to support Laos in any way possible.”



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Large Dams for Africa

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Large Dams for Africa


Africa is now the new land of opportunity for dams’ development. After the very successful ICOLD Annual Meeting in Johannesburg (South Africa), last June, ICOLD prepares Africa 2017, next March in Marrakech (Morocco).


Africa is now the new land of opportunity for dams’ development and there are many signs for that, including inside ICOLD. First, ICOLD has elected an African President, Mr Adama Nombre, from Burkina Faso. He was president from 2012 to 2015. Second, ICOLD is developing with many new African countries joining ICOLD family, most recently Guinea Bissau. It has already co-organized with Aqua Media International the conference Africa 2013 in Addis-Ababa and it will co-organize another one: Africa 2017 in Marrakech.


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Press Release: Support for Dams Safety in Ukraine

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Here is a Press Release from the President of ICOLD, Michael Rogers

(click on the image to view the Press release, in PDF)




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World Association of Young Scientists and World Young Scientist Summit - November 2024

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On November 15, in Wenzhou, the World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS) held the first General Assembly of WAYS and a Forum on International Scientific Organization Cooperation and Exchange. The World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS) is an international, academic, and non-profit organization voluntarily formed by international or regional youth scientific organizations, higher education institutions, and research institutions. The association was jointly founded by four organizations: the CAST Center for Professional Training and Services, the Wenzhou Growth Foundation for World Young Scientists, Venture Cup Denmark, and the Young Earth Scientist Network. The initial members consist of 46 institutions, including universities, research institutes, and enterprise alliances, spanning 23 countries across Asia, Europe, America, and Africa. ICOLD is one of the 46 founding members of WAYS.


The mission of WAYS is to establish a platform for global young scientists to exchange ideas and learn from one another, to build consensus on the positive role of science and technology, and to promote sustainable development through scientific and technological innovations. WAYS aims to contribute the wisdom and efforts of young scientists toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and building a community with a shared future for humanity. 


The scope of WAYS' activities includes organizing events such as the World Young Scientist Summit, facilitating exchange visits among international young scientists, establishing a platform for communication and cooperation among young scientists worldwide, supporting young scientists in their exploration and research initiatives, promoting technological innovation for sustainable development, and encouraging exchange activities among scientific and technological organizations. Membership in WAYS is open to institutional members. 


On November 15, the first General Assembly (GA) of WAYS was held. During the GA, Chaoyang Lu was elected as Chairperson. Chunbo Gao, Shulei Chou, Morten Ugelvig Andersen, and Meng Wang were elected as Vice-Chairpersons, with Chunbo Gao additionally serving as Secretary-General. Their term of office is five years. 


During the Forum on International Scientific Organization Cooperation and Exchange, representatives from 43 member institutions present in Wenzhou participated in discussions. Key takeaways from the discussions highlighted that, despite the diverse scopes of the member organizations, all are addressing SDGs, seeking partners for collaboration, and promoting the development of young professionals. This forum provided an excellent opportunity to network and initiate the development of common ideas. 


On November 16, at Wenzhou University, the fruitful discussions continued. One of the focal points was sharing initiatives and building a collaborative network. During these discussion rounds, the initiatives and activities of ICOLD YPF were also presented. 

On the last day, November 17, a plenary session of WYSS 2024 was held, attended by nearly 800 scientists from 71 countries. The founding ceremony of the World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS) was a significant part of the event. All 46 member institutions of WAYS were formally introduced. 


The event concluded with the award ceremony for the 18th China Youth Science and Technology Award, which has, over the past 30 years, been awarded to nearly 1,700 outstanding scientists. Additionally, four young scientists from the United States, Britain, France, and China were honored with the Young Scientist SDG Awards. 


Participants were inspired by keynote motivational speeches, including one delivered by Nobel Prize winner Hartmut Michel, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1988. He shared insights into his journey toward achieving this prestigious honor, leaving a lasting impression on attendees.



By Mateja Klun, Chair of the ICOLD
Young Professionnal Forum


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