Laos Dam failure

 Press Release


Dam Failure in Laos



The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is following the situation very closely as information is just coming out about the collapse of the saddle dam at the Xe Pian Xe Namnoy Hydroelectric Dam, in Laos.




ICOLD newly elected President Michael Rogers made the following statement:


“Our deepest condolences go out to the people of Laos impacted by this tragedy, especially those families who have lost loved ones and/or their homes.


Dams are critical pieces of not only physical, but also socio-economic infrastructure that supply renewable power, storage for agricultural, industrial, municipal and community water supply. Like other large infrastructure in our societies, dams provide critical service, but also pose high risks that must be addressed during the planning, design and construction phases.   The precautionary principle of dams to prevent and/or mitigate adverse downstream safety consequences informs and is at the heart of the ICOLD Mission.


ICOLD has been working for 90 years to promote the safe and sustainable design and construction of dams.  As an organization of 100 nations committed to the safety of all dams around the world, ICOLD stands ready to assist and support the project owner and the national dam safety organization in Laos to assess the situation and work towards recovery.  Moving forward, it will be important to understand the full cause of this apparent failure so that important lessons may be shared with other nations and dam owners. This is the heart of ICOLD mission and the main reason why it was founded.  For example, during its recent Congress in Vienna (July 1-7 2018), ICOLD organized an important open workshop on the lessons learned from the Oroville Spillway Incident (USA, 2017).


Again, our heartfelt condolences go out to the thousands of persons downstream of this dam that have been impacted by this tragedy and ICOLD stands ready to support Laos in any way possible.”



Tags : Bureau Central - Evènements - Newsletter - News - Presse - Press - Central Office - Events - Regional Club - Club Régionaux - World Register of Dams - Registre Mondial des Barrages

Database Presentation





The World Register of Dams is a database of more than 62,000 dams. Two-thirds of them are currently georeferenced.


The World Register of Dams is an essential source of information for design, construction, scientific work and statistical assessments. It gives references on large dams (as defined by ICOLD) around the world. It is one of the pillars of the international dam community and a showcase for the general public. It is of great importance both for the ICOLD and for all those involved in the field.


The Committee responsible for the Register coordinates the centralization of the data provided by ICOLD National Committees.

It also integrates data that is communicated to the Committee or that is available elsewhere. It also incorporates data on dams in countries that are not members of ICOLD. To date, the Register included dams in 166 countries. All the information collected is integrated into the database, after formatting by the Committee of the Register. New versions are posted on a regular basis, roughly on an annual basis.


The data concerns characteristics specific to the dams (year of commissioning, height, length, type, etc.), characteristics relating to the associated reservoirs (volume of the reservoir, area of the reservoir, purposes, etc.), data on the stakeholders (owners, design offices, contractors, etc.) and elements relating to geography (country, river concerned, locality). Since September 2023, the coordinates of the dam expressed by the longitude and latitude of the WGS84 geodetic system are also available when known. All of these elements are provided by the ICOLD National Committees or are extracted from publicly accessible databases or websites.


While every effort is made to avoid data errors, ICOLD cannot guarantee the accuracy of each value or provide missing data. ICOLD, the ICOLD Central Office, the National Committees and the members of the Committee of the Register cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions that may have occurred.


On the website of ICOLD, the database is assisted by a search engine, the operation of which is explained in this document.


The use of the data is the responsibility of the end user. When using the data, in particular in the form of publications, the user is required to indicate their origin by specifying the mention "ICOLD/CIGB – World Register of Dams/Registre Mondial des Barrages – xxx" or xxx represents the version date of the database (indicated at the top of the search engine page). For further details, please consult the General Conditions of Use.


ICOLD warmly thanks the members of the committee, the ICOLD General Secretariat, all the responsible persons in the National Committees and those who participated in the data collection.


Tags : Central Office




The International Commission on Large Dams


The International Commission On Large Dams (ICOLD) is a non-governmental International Organization which provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in dam engineering.


The Organization leads the profession in ensuring that dams are built safely, efficiently, economically, and without detrimental effects on the environment. Its original aim was to encourage advances in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of large dams and their associated civil works, by collecting and disseminating relevant information and by studying related technical questions.


Since the late sixties, focus was put on subjects of current concern such as dam safety, monitoring of performance, reanalysis of older dams and spillways, effects of ageing and environmental impact. More recently, new subjects include cost studies at the planning and construction stages, harnessing international rivers, information for the public at large, and financing.







Tags : Bureau Central - Central Office

ICOLD INNOVATION AWARD 2021 (Marseille, France)

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New award for stimulating Innovation is launched.



Open for single authors or teams



  • Diploma “ICOLD Innovation Award 2021”
  • 1 500 Euros
  • Free access to the Congress 2024



Different kind of innovations are accepted, both scientific and technical contributions as:

  • New   solutions, New   methods   for   construction, New   materials,
  • New environmental friendly approaches,…


Evaluation Committee:

  • G. ZENZ President of ICOLD Innovation Award, Président du Prix de l'Innovation CIGB
  • M. ABEBE Vice-President Africa, Vice-Président Afrique
  • JP. TOURNIER Vice-President America, Vice-Président Amérique
  • E. CIFRES Vice-President Europe, Vice-Président Europe
  • A. NOORZAD Vice-President Asia-Pacific, Vice-Président Asie-Pacifique



  • Reports must be submitted by the candidates to Central Office before 15 Oct 2020 by email to & by mail to ICOLD Central Office, 61 avenue Kléber 75116 Paris France
  • The name and address of author(s) must be clearly indicated.

  • The title of the report must start by "ICOLD Innovation Award 2021"

  • Template for Reports is the same as the template for the Congress 2021.



At ICOLD Board Meeting in 2021, before the Congress



During Marseille Congress in 2021




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ICOLD Innovation Awards 2025

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(Adopted at Stavanger General Assembly in June 2015, modified at the Board of Denver January 2020 and at the Board of Edinburgh 2023)


The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) confers the International ICOLD Innovation Awards for innovative scientific and technical contributions, in the field of dams and reservoirs with special focus on their role in sustainable water resources management under consideration of environmental constraints.


The following regulations apply to the awards:


  • These Awards is open to recent (less than 10 year), original scientific and technical original contributions, that have not been previously submitted to another award, in the field of dams, reservoirs and levees regarding technical but also socio-economical and environmental aspects with consideration of balanced and sustainable water resources management as well as climate change.


  • Application can be submitted by a single author or a team (3 persons maximum).


  • Candidates should submit their applications to the Central Office, International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), EDF LAB - 6 quai Watier, 78400 Chatou (France) for the paper version and by email to contact@icold-cigb.orgIt should be accompanied by a CV of the author(s) as well as by a letter to the Jury, which explains how the application fulfils the compliance with the first clause. The candidates should apply through their National Committees or at least inform them.


  • The application must be in English or in French and must be submitted before September 30th (2024) in the year before the upcoming ICOLD Congress in Chengdu, China. One hard copy and an electronic version are required. The name and the address of the author or authors must be clearly indicated.


  • The evaluation committee (jury) is made up of a chair and members of the ICOLD Board of Directors. The jury's final decision will be communicated to the winning authors in early 2025.


  • The ICOLD Innovation Awards consist of up to 3 Trophies (GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE) and 1 500 Euros, 1 000 Euros, 500 Euros cash prize, respectively. The award receivers will be granted a free Congress admission (one per awarded person) to the ICOLD Congress 2025 where they will have the opportunity to present their contributions. If a team is selected for an award (GOLD or SILVER or BRONZE), the cash prize will be equally divided among the team.


  • The Awards will be given to the winners during the ICOLD Congress 2025, in Chengdu, China.


  • If none of the submitted applications fulfils the required quality for the AWARDS, the Jury can decide not to assign it.


  • The awards winners allow ICOLD to inform the media about the awards and the winners.


  • The application to the ICOLD Innovation Awards implies that the candidates accept these rules. The decision of the Jury will not be open to appeal.


  • The use of copyrighted material is the responsibility of the author(s). They must obtain the appropriate authorizations and make them available to ICOLD. ICOLD cannot be held responsible for any violation of this rule.


  • The report template to be used is the same as for the Congress reports, apart from the title, which should specify "ICOLD INNOVATION AWARDS 2025" or at least, reports should be in A4 format, single-column, readable on a Western European computer with the title "ICOLD INNOVATION AWARDS 2025". ICOLD reserves the right to refuse reports that do not comply with this rule. Report should not be longer than 15 A4 pages. In English or French.


  • All entries received that comply with the rules of the ICOLD Innovation Awards will be published in the proceedings of the ICOLD Congress. By entering this competition, the applicant agrees to the publication of the report.




The jury will be made up of the Board Members and chaired by Professor SUMI.




Tags : Central Office