[Article issued from our Newsletter 23]
Advancing Gender Diversity and Inclusion in ICOLD
By Maria Bartsch, Sweden, Committee chair, and
Mateja Klun, Slovenia, YPF representative in Committee
On the proposal of the ICOLD President, a new ad hoc committee on Gender Diversity and Inclusion was approved at the Annual Meeting 2023 in Gothenburg (Sweden). The Committee´s overall purpose is to explore how ICOLD can be inclusive to all genders, to raise the awareness on this issue and to educate on gender aspects within ICOLD, as well as to support and promote increasing participation of female professionals in the dam sector.
The Committee has a two-year term, 2023-2025, and consists of 12 members, 10 women and 2 men, representing the four geographical regions of ICOLD: Africa, Europe, Americas and Australasia.
Identifying existing studies and potential partner organizations
After an informal kick-off at ICOLD 2023, the Committee has focused on assessing the current situation regarding gender issues and representation of female professionals in ICOLD and its National Committees. In addition, existing studies have been identified and contacts have been made with potential partner organizations, such as Women in Sustainable Hydropower (WISH), bringing together existing networks. The study by the World Bank, through its Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, titled Power with Full Force: Getting to Gender Equality in the Hydropower Sector has provided a valuable input for the committee’s work. The key findings in the report highlight the need to provide education and Science Technology Engineering Mathematics opportunities for women, to implement workplace policy reforms, to raise awareness of career opportunities, to launch support systems like mentoring, networking opportunities and visualization of role models, and finally to include and encourage more men to be proactive to reduce the gaps.
Assessment on current situation
Historically ICOLD has given little consideration to gender diversity and inclusion and very few women have held leadings positions such as Vice President, Technical Committee chairs or General Reporters at Congress sessions. However, there is a growing awareness, as evidenced by recent initiatives such as the establishment of the Young Professionals Forum, the promotion of age diversity but also gender diversity, mentorship lunches at the Annual Meetings, the change to gender neutral language in institutional files, as well as the establishment of this Committee and the organisation of a special session on women mentorship at ICOLD 2023.
Survey on Gender Representation and Initiatives

Presenters on the Gender Diversity Commitee workshop in New Delhi (Sept. 2024)
From February to May 2024, the Committee conducted a survey among National Committees to establish a baseline for gender diversity. The survey explored the representation of women in leadership roles versus in general membership, women’s participation on events as speakers versus delegates, as authors in publications etc. It also searched activities supporting increased female participation, such as mentorship programs, Committees on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, special conference events, and action plans. |
Responses were received from 37 National Committees, of which 29 Committees provided data on women’s representation in their organisation and activities. When available, data was provided for both current conditions (2023/2024) and conditions 5 years ago (2018/2019).
The results display great differences between the responding National Committees. In general, a slight increase in the representation of women during the last five years can be seen. However, there are still some countries where there are no (or close to none) women either as members or in leading positions. Half of the responding National Committees report that they have:
- 20 percent women or less in leading positions;
- 11 percent women or less as members;
- 30 percent women or less as Young Professional members.
From the replies, we could extract that the percentage of female delegates in ICOLD Technical Committees has increased slightly from 13 to 17 percent in the last 5 years. On national events the last few years, on average, 21 percent of the delegates and 18 percent of the speakers have been women. A good practice example is ICOLD Annual Meeting in 2023 where organizers monitored the participation of women: 31 percent of opening session speakers; 42 percent of symposium session officers; 19 percent of symposium speakers; 17 percent of delegates over 35 years and 37 percent of delegates up to 35 years.
About 15 National Committees provided input on ongoing activities to support and promote increasing participation of female professionals in the dam sector. To connect with and know more about these gender related initiatives these National Committees were invited to present their work on the Committee workshop at ICOLD 2024.
ICOLD2024 Workshop: Charging Forward with Gender Diversity & Inclusion
During ICOLD2024 in New Delhi, the committee hosted a two-hour workshop titled Charging Forward with Gender Diversity & Inclusion. The event drew approximately 60 participants, representing all ICOLD regions, with about one-third of attendees being men.
The workshop featured:
- A keynote presentation by Thomas Bryant, Senior Dam Specialist at the World Bank, offering a global perspective on women in hydropower.
- A report on the committee’s work and survey findings.
- Presentations by 14 invited National Committees, sharing their current situation and initiatives related to GD&I.
- A moderated discussion and brainstorming session on future activities for ICOLD and the dam sector to get to gender equality.
The workshop’s primary objectives were to connect with National Committees, share ongoing work and experiences, and gather ideas for future initiatives. It was enthusiastically received, with active participation and valuable input from attendees.
Looking Ahead
The Committee’s findings so far and the workshop presentations have been made available online, fostering continued dialogue and collaboration. This initiative represents a significant step forward in advancing gender diversity and inclusion across ICOLD and the wider sector. Now the Committee’s focus is shifting towards drafting an action plan, proposing next steps for ICOLD. Preliminary, a main recommendation is to establish a permanent Committee or Forum on Gender Diversity and Inclusion.
Links to recommended readings
ICOLD2024 Committee workshop: 2024-09-29 Workshop_on_Gender_Diversity_and_Inclusion_ ICOLD2024.pdf
WB study: Power with Full Force | Getting to Gender Equality in the Hydropower Sector | ESMAP
WISH webpage: Women In Sustainable Hydropower
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